♡ I’m already a morning person and I must admit I always have been. That means that these things are already on my to-do list everyday, but they might not be things that you’ve though about. I thought I’d share these tips and tricks because they may be helpful to those of you want to get you're day started early!
Get out of bed right when you wake up -It’s so easy to fall back asleep when you’re too lazy to get up and start your morning. When I do this I always wake up a whole lot later than I intended, which is not a good thing when you’re trying to get the day started. Also I feel worse when I‘m up for the second time. that's why I get out of bed straight away.

Less Screen Time - I am guilty of this just like most people, but I seem to always open up my phone right when I wake up. I then spend way too much time scrolling through and before I know it, it’s 30 minutes later. The best thing is to leave your phone and get the morning started. Don’t check it until you have some down time where you’re not feeling so sleepy. What I like to do is plug my phone up in the morning that way I’m not tempted to use it.
Freshen Up - I always brush my teeth and wash my face straight away. It helps me to feel more awake and alive.
Exercise - If you work out, do it in the morning that way you have more energy throughout the day. It’ll also ensure that you don’t run out of time during the day or feel too lazy to do it. If you don’t workout, try doing some light exercise like yoga, 5 minutes Pilates, or morning stretches to get your body moving and your blood flowing.

Eat Well - Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day!!! It’s scientifically proven that people who eat breakfast are healthier. If you’re stuck for ideas have a look at Pinterest and try meal planning for the whole week or prepare the night before. My favorite thing to eat for brekkie is maple brown sugar oatmeal with a banana and raspberries!
Drink Water - Staying hydrated is important throughout the entire day, but especially in the morning. I find that when I don’t drink enough water in the morning my throat is sore and I feel groggy. I drink about two 16 oz. bottles every morning to start me off and I've noticed a big difference since doing so.

Get Dressed - I don’t know about you, but when I’m dressed in a fresh pair of clothes it makes me feel prepared for the day. Maybe it’s because I’ve been walking around in my pj’s from the night before and I need a change. Whatever it is, I find that changing into a new outfit gets me going. I’m a lot more productive afterwards and I feel like my morning is going really well.
Make your Bed - A tidy environment is a productive one. Whether you work from home, do school work in your room, or just come home to it when you finish at the office, it's always lovely to have a freshly made bed. I also think that it makes you more likely to go to sleep early because who doesn't want to get into a gorgeous bed. A good nights sleep equals a better morning. 🌣
There you have it, 8 ways to be more of a morning person! Are you a morning person? What do you like most about the morning?